Keep realising, day by day that I'm not getting any younger. My body is really starting to slow down, and maybe carrying a bit more excess baggage. I hate the thought of getting fat, and getting old in general. The fat bit I can help though. As you can see from the picture, its time to sort myself out! and now that I've put it in writing on here, it means that I cant go back on my word.
My lifestyle needs to change. I need to change. I know this has nothing to do with my life with the Audi, but its to do with my life in general.
I'm finally sorting my finances out after years of neglect. Hoping that a miracle would happen! The miracle has now happened though, and I've faced up to what I need to pay off, and how I should do it. Its something that has made me so happy! and I actually cant wait to start paying off the debt. By October next year, I will of paid off 2 credit cards, 1 over draft, 2 loans and the rest of the daily car. And to get to October, its gonna be a long hard struggle... but there is no reason I cant get there! I've budgeted £100 a month to myself, and the rest pays off debt and goes into savings for a rainy day. Its gonna be tight for spending, but £25 a week aint that bad. Plus I really have nothing else to spend my money on! I dont smoke, I dont drink.. I guess it'll just go towards the Audi. This is something I need to do, and I honestly feel like I'm going to enjoy it! Its the right time in my life to do this... then hopefully, for my birthday next year, I wont be here in the UK,.. but somewhere else, more exciting, with more to offer! We'll see..

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